Tools you can use to optimize your website

Note: These sites are Freemium, meaning some features are locked behind a paywall. However, I still think what they offer for free is useful.

PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights is a valuable tool that enhances your website’s speed by analyzing and identifying specific areas for improvement. While some optimizations may require programming expertise, many issues can be easily addressed without extensive technical know-how.


Among the plethora of useful tools they offer, my personal favorite is the Site Audit, which is specifically designed to enhance SEO performance. This feature provides actionable recommendations, including insights on keywords, backlinks, and more! Although there is a usage limit, it still provides a wealth of valuable information to optimize your website effectively.

Google Analytics

This tool is a no-brainer when it comes to gaining valuable data insights. With its ability to reveal trends and provide a deep understanding of your page’s performance, Analytics is a must-have. Once you become proficient with Analytics, you can explore two other highly recommended Google products: Google Tag Manager and Google Search Console. The amount of functionality and potential here is immense; some professionals even have dedicated jobs focused solely on SEO, with Google as their primary tool.

Let me know if there are any sites I’m missing. I’m constantly look for new tools and learn.