Is Your A/B Test Significant?

You’ve done your A/B test and have the final question. Is it significant? If your application does not have A/B testing built-in, there are plenty of third-party applications you can use. You need two numbers, the visitors and conversion rate.

Website Planet

The simplest one. You need to plug in the two numbers.

Survey Monkey

They have more options for your test. Such as hypothesis and confidence.

AB Test Guide

It is a more robust A/B significance calculator. It has extra details in the result.

Common A/B Tests

  • Lead Generation – Vistors/Email Sent & Form Submissons
  • Email – Number Sent & Open Rate
  • Sales – Vistors & Sales

It’s tough doing A/B Tests. Sometimes you don’t know why certain variables give that number. Sometimes the tests aren’t significant. There is a sort of art to doing this, a lot of guesswork, but it is ultimately a good practice.