Category: Marketing

  • The Freemium Pricing Model

    The Freemium Pricing Model

    Freemium is a mash-up of the words “free” and “premium.” The gist of freemium is that consumers receive the basic features for free at no cost. The ‘premium’ features and add-ons cost money (Kumar, 2014). Freemium is a reasonably new pricing model that started in the 1980s (Seufert, 2013) and has quickly grown since. Over…

  • Say NO to Spec Work

    Say NO to Spec Work

    Spec Work is short for speculative work. Defined by AIGA (The Professional Association for Design) as “work done before engagement with a client in anticipation of being paid.” Most common in the design industry, such as website, graphics, and so on, but it does happen in other sectors such as software design. Spec work means…

  • A primer on A/B Testing

    A primer on A/B Testing

    What is A/B Testing? When comparing two versions of something to see which one performs better (VMO, 2016), the one that performs better is the one chosen. It can be anything from TV ads to websites. It is used often in the world of business.  The purpose of A/B Testing The purpose is to optimize the…